8-30-96 Here be ASCEND 4. Take it. (And please tell us so we can notify you of updates.) Mission statement from the boss. I retrieved it!! It requires UNIX (SunOS4,Solaris,OSF1,IRIX,AIX,HPUX9,NetBSD,etc,etc) an ANSI capable C compiler, and X11. We would really like it ported to a MicroSquish environment with Tk4.1 or higher if you're the volunteering sort. You should get: ascend.4.0.7.tar.Z (list of contents) ascend.4.models.tar.Z (list of contents) ascend.4.help.tar.Z (list of contents) Unsupported/xgraph-cmu.tar.Z AND if your system does not have Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6 installed, you should also get tcl7.1-tk3.4.tar.Z (list of contents) as ASCEND needs either 7.3/3.6 or 7.1/3.4 to run. Several draft papers are available, though the quality is highly variable. Art also has some interesting papers. As of this writing, the original site for Tcl/Tk is http://www.neosoft.com/tcl gopher://gopher.neosoft.com/11/ftp/pub/tcl ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl We have partial support of initial value problem integration. We work in optimization, but our GAMS/C code generation is currently broken. These are areas of active interest. Many other things are also bubbling on the stove, including an object-oriented incremental compiler/interpretter for math modeling. The component software aspects of the system are getting better all the time. Attaching your own nonlinear solvers to it should be rather easy, finally. The API has been completely redone since ASCEND IIIc. This is research software; we have no 800 number. We do like to see email and bug reports, though, if you have build or runtime difficulty. Enjoy. Since we don't ever seem to 'get around to' proper DOCUMENTATION, we make our most current stuff available on the web. See our home page. Additionally, a raft of tech reports is due locally before December 15, 1996 and they will appear on this web site.