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%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Bernhard Nebel",
%%%     version         = "1.11",
%%%     date            = "30 November 2023",
%%%     time            = "11:35:23 MST",
%%%     filename        = "nebel-bernhard.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Ulm
%%%                        Department of Artificial Intelligence
%%%                        Oberer Eselsberg
%%%                        D-89069 Ulm
%%%                        Germany",
%%%     telephone       = "+49/731/502-4122",
%%%     FAX             = "+49/731/502-4119",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "27935 2484 9542 103233",
%%%     email           = "nebel at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of publications of
%%%                        Bernhard Nebel.  The companion LaTeX file
%%%                        nebel-bernhard.ltx can be used to typeset
%%%                        this bibliography.
%%%                        At version 1.11, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1976 (   2)    1987 (   6)    1998 (   2)
%%%                             1977 (   0)    1988 (   3)    1999 (   3)
%%%                             1978 (   0)    1989 (   6)    2000 (   1)
%%%                             1979 (   1)    1990 (   6)    2001 (   4)
%%%                             1980 (   1)    1991 (  17)    2002 (   4)
%%%                             1981 (   0)    1992 (  11)    2003 (   0)
%%%                             1982 (   3)    1993 (  10)    2004 (   0)
%%%                             1983 (   8)    1994 (  10)    2005 (   2)
%%%                             1984 (   5)    1995 (  10)    2006 (   0)
%%%                             1985 (   6)    1996 (   1)    2007 (   2)
%%%                             1986 (   4)    1997 (   5)
%%%                             Article:         34
%%%                             Book:             2
%%%                             InCollection:    18
%%%                             InProceedings:   28
%%%                             Proceedings:      4
%%%                             TechReport:      47
%%%                             Total entries:  133
%%%                        This file is available as part of the BibNet
%%%                        Project.  The master copy is available for
%%%                        public access on in the
%%%                        directory tree /pub/bibnet/authors.  It is
%%%                        mirrored to in the directory
%%%                        tree /netlib/bibnet/authors, from which it is
%%%                        available via anonymous ftp and the Netlib
%%%                        service.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
    }" #
   "\def \ocirc #1{\ifmmode\setbox0=\hbox{$#1$}\dimen0=\ht0
    \advance\dimen0 by1pt\rlap{\hbox to\wd0{\hss\raise\dimen0
    {\accent"17 #1}\fi}"

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-AI-MAGAZINE           = "The AI Magazine"}

@String{j-APPL-INTELL           = "Applied Intelligence"}

@String{j-ART-INTELL            = "Artificial Intelligence"}

@String{j-COMPUT-INTELL         = "Computational Intelligence"}

@String{j-COMP-J                = "The Computer Journal"}

@String{j-DATA-KNOWLEDGE-ENG    = "Data and Knowledge Engineering"}

@String{j-J-ACM                 = "Journal of the ACM"}

@String{j-J-LOGIC-LANGUAGE-INFO = "Journal of Logic, Language, and

@String{j-KUNSTLICHE-INTELLIGENZ = "K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz"}

@String{j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publisher abbreviations:
@String{pub-AW                  = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company"}
@String{pub-AW:adr              = "Reading, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-CAMBRIDGE           = "Cambridge University Press"}
@String{pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr       = "Cambridge, UK"}

@String{pub-KLUWER              = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"}
@String{pub-KLUWER:adr          = "Norwell, MA, USA, and Dordrecht, The

@String{pub-MIT                 = "MIT Press"}
@String{pub-MIT:adr             = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN     = "Morgan Kaufmann"}
@String{pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr = "San Mateo"}

@String{pub-NH                  = "North-Holland"}
@String{pub-NH:adr              = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-SUCSLI              = "Stanford University Center for the Study of
                                  Language and Information"}
@String{pub-SUCSLI:adr          = "Stanford, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-SV                  = "Springer-Verlag"}
@String{pub-SV:adr              = "Berlin, Germany~/ Heidelberg, Germany~/
                                    London, UK~/ etc."}

@String{pub-WILEY               = "Wiley"}
@String{pub-WILEY:adr           = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WILLIAM-KAUFMANN    = "William Kaufmann"}
@String{pub-WILLIAM-KAUFMANN:adr = "Karlsruhe, Germany"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Series abbreviations:
@String{ser-LNAI                = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}
@String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries, sorted by year, and then by citation label:
  author =       "Michael Mittelstein and Bernhard Nebel and Bernd
                 Pretschner and Peter Schefe",
  title =        "{HASY --- ein Programm zur syntaktischen Analyse
                 nat{\"u}rlicher Sprache}",
  type =         "Mitteilung",
  number =       "IfI-HH-M36/76",
  institution =  "{Institut} f{\"u}r {Informatik}, {Universit\"a}t
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1976",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Bernd Pretschner",
  title =        "{Erweiterung des {DECSystem-10 PASCAL-Compilers} um
                 eine {M\"oglichkeit} zur {Erzeugung} eines
  type =         "Mitteilung",
  number =       "IfI-HH-M34/76",
  institution =  "{Institut} f{\"u}r {Informatik}, {Universit\"a}t
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1976",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernd Br{\"u}gge and Klaus M{\"u}hle and Bernhard
                 Nebel and Helmut Faasch und Hans-Hellmut Nagel",
  title =        "{Optimierung und {Erweiterung} des {DECSystem-10}
                 {PASCAL Compilers}}",
  type =         "Mitteilung",
  number =       "IfI-HH-M65/79",
  institution =  "{Institut} f{\"u}r {Informatik}, {Universit\"a}t
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1979",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Weiterf{\"u}hrende {Arbeiten} am {COPANET-Compiler}:
                 {Realisierung} der verdeckten
                 {Interrechner-Kommunikation} im {COPANET}}",
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "IfI-HH-B-71/80",
  institution =  "{Institut} f{\"u}r {Informatik}, {Universit\"a}t
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1980",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Heinz Marburger",
  editor =       "J. Nehmer",
  booktitle =    "{GI-12.\ Jahrestagung}",
  title =        "{Das nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {System HAM-ANS}:
                 {Intelligenter Zugriff} auf heterogene {Wissens-} und
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "392--402",
  year =         "1982",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Heinz Marburger",
  title =        "{Das nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {System HAM-ANS}:
                 {Intelligenter Zugriff} auf heterogene {Wissens-} und
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "ANS-7",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1982",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Nebel:1982:NSHa}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Der {Systemrahmen} von {HAM-ANS}}",
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-7",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1982",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Thomas Christaller and Walther von Hahn and Wolfgang
                 Hoeppner and Heinz Marburger and Katharina Morik and
                 Bernhard Nebel and Wolfgang Wahlster",
  title =        "{Wissensbasierter nat{\"u}rlichsprachlicher {Zugang}
                 zu unterschiedlichen {Diskursbereichen} mit dem
                 {KI}-System {HAM-ANS}}",
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "ANS-12",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Rolf Dannenberg and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Eine dynamische {Speicherallokationsstrategie}
                 f{\"u}r {UCI-LISP}}",
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-20",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Wolfgang Hoeppner and Thomas Christaller and Heinz
                 Marburger and Katharina Morik and Bernhard Nebel and
                 Michael O'Leary and Wolfgang Wahlster",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference
                 on Artificial Intelligence",
  title =        "Beyond Domain-Independence: Experience with the
                 development of a {German} Natural Language Access
                 System to Highly Diverse Background Systems",
  publisher =    pub-WILLIAM-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-WILLIAM-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "115--121",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Wolfgang Hoeppner and Thomas Christaller and Heinz
                 Marburger and Katharina Morik and Bernhard Nebel and
                 Michael O'Leary and Wolfgang Wahlster",
  title =        "Beyond Domain-Independence: Experience with the
                 development of a {German} Natural Language Access
                 System to Highly Diverse Background Systems",
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "ANS-16",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",
  bibnote =      "Published as \cite{Hoeppner:1983:BDIa}",

  author =       "Heinz Marburger and Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "J. W. Schmidt",
  booktitle =    "{Sprachen f{\"u}r Datenbanken}",
  title =        "{Nat{\"u}rlichsprachlicher {Datenbankzugang} mit
                 {HAM-ANS}: {Syntaktische Korrespondenz},
                 nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {Quantifizierung} und
                 semantisches {Modell} des {Diskursbereiches}}",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "26--41",
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Heinz Marburger and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Nat{\"u}rlichsprachlicher {Datenbankzugang} mit
                 {HAM-ANS}: {Syntaktische Korrespondenz},
                 nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {Quantifizierung} und
                 semantisches {Modell} des {Diskursbereiches}}",
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "ANS-22",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Marburger:1983:NDHa}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "B. Neumann",
  booktitle =    "{GWAI-83. 7th German Workshop on Artificial
  title =        "Ist {LISP} eine `langsame' {Sprache}?",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV,
  pages =        "21--30",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1983",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Ist {LISP} eine `langsame' {Sprache}?}",
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-13",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1983",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A short version has been published as

  author =       "Wolfgang Hoeppner and Stephan Busemann and Thomas
                 Christaller and Heinz Marburger and Katharina Morik and
                 Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Dialoging {HAM-ANS}: Commented Terminal Sessions with
                 a Natural Language System --- {Part I}: Hotel
                 Reservation Situation",
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-23",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1984",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Wolfgang Hoeppner and Stephan Busemann and Thomas
                 Christaller and Heinz Marburger and Katharina Morik and
                 Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Dialoging {HAM-ANS}: Commented Terminal Sessions with
                 a Natural Language System --- {Part II}: Traffic
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-23",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1984",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Wolfgang Hoeppner and Stephan Busemann and Thomas
                 Christaller and Heinz Marburger and Katharina Morik and
                 Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Dialoging {HAM-ANS}: Commented Terminal Sessions with
                 a Natural Language System --- {Part III}: Data Base
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-23",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1984",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Heinz Marburger and Katharina Morik and Bernhard
  title =        "{HAM-ANS on Tour: Bericht {\"u}ber eine USA-Reise}",
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-24",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  year =         "1984",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{ULM: Ein UCI-LISP --- Lispmaschinen-LISP
  type =         "Memo",
  number =       "ANS-22",
  institution =  "Forschungsstelle f{\"u}r Informationswissenschaft und
                 K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Universit{\"a}t Hamburg",
  address =      "Hamburg, Germany",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1984",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason
                 and Albrecht Schmiedel",
  editor =       "H. Stoyan",
  booktitle =    "{GWAI-85. 9th German Workshop on Artificial
  title =        "{BACK} to Consistency and Incompleteness",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "245--257",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1985",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason
                 and Albrecht Schmiedel",
  title =        "The {BACK} System",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "28",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1985",
  bibsource =    "",
  bibnote =      "A short version has been puplished as
  keywords =     "kl-one, system, back",
  location =     "BN report",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "How well does a vanilla loop fit into a frame?",
  journal =      j-DATA-KNOWLEDGE-ENG,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "181--194",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "DKENEW",
  ISSN =         "0169-023X (print), 1872-6933 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-023X",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "How well does a vanilla loop fit into a frame?",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "30",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1985",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Nebel:1985:HWDa}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Norman K. Sondheimer",
  title =        "{NIGEL} Gets to Know Logic: An Experiment in Natural
                 Language Generation Taking a Logical, Knowledge-Based
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "36",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1985",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Nebel:1986:NGK}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Papiere zum {Workshop} ``{Logisches Programmieren}
                 und {Lisp}''}",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "31",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1985",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Norman K. Sondheimer",
  editor =       "C.-R. Rollinger and W. Horn",
  booktitle =    "{GWAI-86 und 2. {\"O}sterreichische
  title =        "{NIGEL} Gets to Know Logic: An Experiment in Natural
                 Language Generation Taking a Logical, Knowledge-Based
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "75--86",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Albrecht Schmiedel and Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Christof Peltason",
  title =        "`{Bitter Pills}': {A} Case Study in Knowledge
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "39",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1986",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Norman K. Sondheimer and Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of the
                 American Association for Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "A Logical-Form and Knowledge-Base Design for Natural
                 Language Generation",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      "Philadelphia, PA",
  pages =        "612--618",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1986",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Norman K. Sondheimer and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "A Logical-Form and Knowledge-Base Design for Natural
                 Language Generation",
  type =         "Reprint Series",
  number =       "ISI/RS-86-169",
  institution =  "University of Southern California, Information Science
  address =      "Marina del Rey, CA",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1986",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprint of \cite{Sondheimer:1986:LFKa}",

  author =       "Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason
                 and Albrecht Schmiedel",
  title =        "The Anatomy of the {BACK} System",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "41",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        Jan,
  year =         "1987",
  bibsource =    "",
  keywords =     "kl-one, system, back",
  location =     "BN report",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Computational Complexity of Terminological Reasoning
                 in {BACK}",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "43",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1987",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Nebel:1988:CCT}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Kai von Luck",
  editor =       "K. Morik",
  booktitle =    "{GWAI-87. 11th German Workshop on Artificial
  title =        "Issues of Integration and Balancing in Hybrid
                 Knowledge Representation Systems",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "114--123",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Kai von Luck",
  title =        "Issues of Integration and Balancing in Hybrid
                 Knowledge Representation Systems",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "46",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1987",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Published as \cite{Nebel:1987:IIBa}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "On Terminological Cycles",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "58",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1987",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Christof Peltason and Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Albrecht Schmiedel",
  title =        "The User's Guide to the {BACK} System",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  number =       "42",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  month =        Jan,
  year =         "1987",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Kai von Luck and Bernhard Nebel and Hans-Jochen
  editor =       "G. Rahmstorf",
  booktitle =    "{Wissensrepr{\"a}sentation in Expertensystemen}",
  title =        "Some Aspects of Knowledge-Base Management Systems",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
  pages =        "146--157",
  year =         "1988",
  bibsource =    "",
  nocopy =       "(Kein Manuskript)",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Computational Complexity of Terminological Reasoning
                 in {BACK}",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "371--383",
  month =        Apr,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T30",
  MRnumber =     "934601",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence. An International Journal",
  keywords =     "kl-one, complexity, back",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Kai von Luck",
  editor =       "Z. W. Ras and L. Saitta",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on
                 Methodologies for Intelligent systems}",
  title =        "Hybrid Reasoning in {BACK}",
  publisher =    pub-NH,
  address =      pub-NH:adr,
  pages =        "260--269",
  month =        Oct,
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Alfred Kobsa and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Bericht {\"u}ber den {Workshop} on {Formal Aspects} of
                 {Semantic Networks}",
  journal =      j-KUNSTLICHE-INTELLIGENZ,
  volume =       "89/2",
  pages =        "28--28",
  year =         "1989",
  ISSN =         "0933-1875",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "R. Brachman and H. J. Levesque and R. Reiter",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the First International Conference on
                 Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
                 (Toronto, ON, 1989)}",
  title =        "A Knowledge Level Analysis of Belief Revision",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "301--311",
  month =        May,
  year =         "1989",
  MRclass =      "68T99 (03B45 92A25)",
  MRnumber =     "1011061",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Morgan Kaufmann Ser. Represent. Reason.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "A Knowledge Level Analysis of Belief Revision",
  type =         "IWBS Report",
  number =       "69",
  institution =  "IWBS, IBM Germany",
  address =      "Stuttgart, Germany",
  year =         "1989",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Gert Smolka",
  title =        "Representation and Reasoning with Attributive
  type =         "{IWBS} Report",
  number =       "81",
  institution =  "IWBS, IBM Germany",
  address =      "Stuttgart, Germany",
  year =         "1989",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Terminological Reasoning is Inherently Intractable",
  type =         "IWBS Report",
  number =       "82",
  institution =  "IWBS, IBM Germany",
  address =      "Stuttgart, Germany",
  year =         "1989",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "F. Gardin and G. Mauri and M. G. Filippini",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the International Symposium on
                 Computational Intelligence '89}",
  title =        "What is Hybrid in Hybrid Representation Systems?",
  publisher =    pub-NH,
  address =      pub-NH:adr,
  pages =        "217--228",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Franz Baader and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert and
                 Jochen Heinsohn and Bernhard Hollunder and J{\"u}rgen
                 M{\"u}ller and Bernhard Nebel and Werner Nutt and
                 Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  title =        "Terminological {Knowledge Representation}: {A}
                 Proposal for a Terminological Logic",
  type =         "{DFKI Technical Memo}",
  number =       "TM-90-04",
  institution =  "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1990",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A revised version has been published in

  author =       "Sonia Bergamaschi and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Theoretical Foundations of Complex Object Data
  number =       "74",
  institution =  "{CIOC-CNR}",
  address =      "Bologna, Italy",
  month =        Dec,
  year =         "1990",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Gert Smolka",
  editor =       "K.-H. Bl{\"a}sius and U. Hedtst{\"u}ck and C.-R.
  booktitle =    "{Sorts and types in artificial intelligence
                 ({Eringerfeld}, 1989)}",
  title =        "Representation and Reasoning with Attributive
  volume =       "418",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "112--139",
  year =         "1990",
  MRclass =      "68T30 (68T05)",
  MRnumber =     "1078257",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Reasoning and Revision in Hybrid Representation
  volume =       "422",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xii + 270",
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "3-540-52443-6 (Berlin), 0-387-52443-6 (New York)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-52443-4 (Berlin), 978-0-387-52443-6 (New
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "Q335 .N43 1990",
  MRclass =      "68T30",
  MRnumber =     "1049873 (92g:68135)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNAI # " and " # ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "artificial intelligence; knowledge, theory of;
  xxpages =      "x + 270",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Terminological Reasoning is Inherently Intractable",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "43",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "235--249",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T30 (03B35 03D15 68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1056555 (91f:68194)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence. An International Journal",

  author =       "Peter F. Patel-Schneider and Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe and
                 Alfred Kobsa and Nocola Guarino and Robert MacGregor
                 and William S. Mark and Deborah McGuinness and Bernhard
                 Nebel and Albrecht Schmiedel and John Yen",
  title =        "Term Subsumption Languages in Knowledge
  journal =      j-AI-MAGAZINE,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "16--23",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "AIMAEK",
  ISSN =         "0738-4602",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Franz Baader and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert and
                 Bernhard Nebel and Werner Nutt and Gert Smolka",
  title =        "On the Expressivity of Feature Logics with Negation,
                 Functional Uncertainty, and Sort Equations",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-91-01",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  month =        Jan,
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Revised version published in {\em Journal of Logic,
                 Language, and Information}",

  author =       "Franz Baader and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert and
                 Jochen Heinsohn and Bernhard Hollunder and J{\"u}rgen
                 M{\"u}ller and Bernhard Nebel and Werner Nutt and
                 Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  editor =       "B. Nebel and K. von Luck and C. Peltason",
  booktitle =    "{International Workshop on Terminological Logics}",
  title =        "Terminological Knowledge Representation: {A} proposal
                 for a Terminological Logic",
  publisher =    "DFKI",
  address =      "Dagstuhl, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "This paper is a revised version of
                 \cite{Baader:1990:TKR}. The workshop proceedings have
                 been published as DFKI Document D-91-03, as KIT Report
                 89 and as IWBS Report 184",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jochen Heinsohn and Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  editor =       "C. Peltason and K. von Luck and C. Kindermann",
  booktitle =    "{Terminological Logic Users Workshop --- Proceedings;
                 KIT Report 95}",
  title =        "Integration of Action Representation in Terminological
  publisher =    "KIT Group, Department of Computer Science, TU Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  pages =        "117",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Gert Smolka",
  editor =       "Otthein Herzog and Claus-Rainer Rollinger",
  booktitle =    "{Text Understanding in {LILOG}}",
  title =        "Attributive Description Formalisms \ldots and the Rest
                 of the World",
  volume =       "546",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "439--452",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Gert Smolka",
  title =        "Attributive Description Formalisms \ldots and the Rest
                 of the World",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-91-15",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Principles of knowledge representation and reasoning
                 ({Cambridge}, {MA}, 1991)}",
  title =        "Belief revision and default reasoning: syntax-based
  publisher =    "Morgan Kaufmann",
  address =      "San Mateo, CA",
  pages =        "417--428",
  year =         "1991",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B45 03B60 68T30)",
  MRnumber =     "1142171",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Morgan Kaufmann Ser. Represent. Reason.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "J. A. Allen and R. Fikes and E. Sandewall",
  booktitle =    "{Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:
                 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference}",
  title =        "Belief Revision and Default Reasoning: Syntax-Based
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "417--428",
  month =        Apr,
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Belief Revision and Default Reasoning: Syntax-Based
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-91-11",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m",
  title =        "On the Computational Complexity of Temporal Projection
                 and some Related Problems",
  type =         "Research Report",
  number =       "RR-91-34 (DFKI) and LiTH-IDA-R-91-34 (Univ.
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
                 (DFKI), Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany, and Department of
                 Computer and Information Science, Link{\"o}ping
                 University, Link{\"o}ping, Sweden",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",
  keywords =     "temporal, projection, complexity",
  location =     "BN report",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Workshop Notes of the IJCAI'91 Workshop on ``Objects
                 and AI''}",
  title =        "The Complexity of Multiple Inheritance in Complex
                 Object Data Models",
  publisher =    "IJCAI",
  address =      "Sydney, Australia",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason and Kai von
  title =        "International Workshop on Terminological Logics",
  type =         "{DFKI Document}",
  number =       "D-91-13",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also published as KIT Report 89, TU Berlin, and IWBS
                 Report 184, IBM Germany, Stuttgart",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason and Kai von
  title =        "International Workshop on Terminological Logics ---
                 Seminar Report",
  type =         "Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report",
  number =       "12 (9119)",
  institution =  "Schlo{\ss} Dagstuhl, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "John F. Sowa",
  booktitle =    "{Principles of Semantic Networks}",
  title =        "Terminological Cycles: Semantics and Computational
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "331--362",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason",
  booktitle =    "{Information systems and artificial intelligence:
                 integration aspects ({Ulm}, 1990)}",
  title =        "Terminological reasoning and information management",
  volume =       "474",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "181--212",
  year =         "1991",
  MRclass =      "68T30",
  MRnumber =     "1103369",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason",
  editor =       "D. Karagianis",
  booktitle =    "{Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence:
                 Integration Aspects}",
  title =        "Terminological Reasoning and Information Management",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "181--212",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christof Peltason",
  title =        "Terminological Reasoning and Information Management",
  type =         "KIT Report",
  institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Technische
                 Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich and Jochen Heinsohn and
                 Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium 1991 on
                 ``Implemented Knowledge Representation Systems''}",
  title =        "A Comparative Analysis of Terminological
                 Representation Systems",
  publisher =    "AAAI",
  address =      "Stanford, CA",
  pages =        "347--360",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Preliminary version of \cite{Heinsohn:1994:EAT}",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Franz Baader and Bernhard Hollunder and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich and Enrico Franconi",
  editor =       "B. Nebel and W. Swartout and C. Rich",
  booktitle =    "{Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:
                 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference}",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for
                 Terminological Representation Systems or ``Making
                 {KRIS} get a move on''",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "270--281",
  month =        Oct,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m and Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "B. Neumann",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on
                 Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "On the Computational Complexity of Planning and Story
  publisher =    pub-WILEY,
  address =      pub-WILEY:adr,
  pages =        "349--353",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Jochen Heinsohn and Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 10th National Conference of the
                 American Association for Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Terminological Representation
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "767--773",
  month =        Jul,
  year =         "1992",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "An extended and revised version of this paper has been
                 published in {\em Artificial Intelligence}",

  author =       "Jochen Heinsohn and Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Terminological Representation
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-92-16",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1992",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "An extended and revised version of this paper has been
                 published in {\em Artificial Intelligence}",

  author =       "Jochen Heinsohn and Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  editor =       "J. Heinsohn and B. Hollunder",
  booktitle =    "{DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning ---
  title =        "{RAT} --- Representation of Actions using
                 Terminological Logics",
  number =       "D-92-08",
  publisher =    "DFKI, Saarbr{\"u}cken/Kaiserslautern, Germany",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:50 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "DFKI Document",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  OPTpages =     "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Workshop Notes of the AAAI'92 Workshop on ``Tractable
  title =        "Computational Complexity and {KR\&R}: Is Polynomial
                 Time All that Matters?",
  publisher =    "AAAI",
  address =      "San Jose, CA",
  pages =        "126--129",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m",
  booktitle =    "{AAAI-92. Proceedings, Tenth National Conference on
                 Artificial Intelligence (San Jose, CA, 1992)}",
  title =        "On the Computational Complexity of Temporal Projection
                 and Plan Validation",
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "748--753",
  month =        Jul,
  year =         "1992",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B70)",
  MRnumber =     "1203145",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "An extended and revised version of this paper has been
                 published in {\em Artificial Intelligence}",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler",
  title =        "Plan Modification versus Plan Generation: {A}
                 Complexity-Theoretic Perspective",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-92-48",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "P. G{\"a}rdenfors",
  booktitle =    "{Belief Revision}",
  title =        "Syntax-based approaches to belief revision",
  volume =       "29",
  publisher =    pub-CAMBRIDGE,
  address =      pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr,
  pages =        "52--88",
  year =         "1992",
  DOI =          "",
  MRclass =      "68T30 (03B60 03B70)",
  MRnumber =     "1173424",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "J. Heinsohn and B. Hollunder",
  booktitle =    "{DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning ---
  title =        "Terminological Logics and Representation Systems",
  number =       "D-92-08",
  publisher =    "DFKI, Saarbr{\"u}cken/Kaiserslautern, Germany",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "DFKI Document",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  OPTpages =     "",

  author =       "Elisabeth Andr{\'e} and Winfried Graf and Jochen
                 Heinsohn and Bernhard Nebel and Hans-J{\"u}rgen
                 Profitlich and Thomas Rist and Wolfgang Wahlster",
  title =        "{$\cal PPP$}: Personalized Plan-Based Presenter ---
                 {Project Proposal}",
  type =         "{DFKI Document}",
  number =       "D-93-05",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Franz Baader and Bernhard Hollunder and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich and Enrico Franconi",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for
                 Terminological Representation Systems or ``Making
                 {KRIS} get a move on''",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-93-03",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  month =        Feb,
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Revised version published in {\em Applied

  author =       "Franz Baader and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert and
                 Bernhard Nebel and Werner Nutt and Gert Smolka",
  title =        "On the Expressivity of Feature Logics with Negation,
                 Functional Uncertainty, and Sort Equations",
  journal =      j-J-LOGIC-LANGUAGE-INFO,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--18",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "JLLIEN",
  ISSN =         "0925-8531",
  ISSN-L =       "0925-8531",
  MRclass =      "68Q50 (03B25 03B65 03D35 68S05)",
  MRnumber =     "1287084 (95e:68120)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Logic, Language and Information",

  author =       "Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Complexity Results for {SAS$^+$} Planning",
  type =         "Research Report",
  number =       "LiTH-IDA-R-93-34",
  institution =  "Department of Computer and Information Science,
                 Link{\"o}ping University, Link{\"o}ping, Sweden",
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A revised version of this paper has been published in
                 {\em Computational Intelligence}",
  abstract =     "We have previously reported a number of tractable
                 planning problems defined in the SAS+ formalism. This
                 report complements these results by providing a
                 complete map over the complexity of SAS+ planning under
                 all combinations of the previously considered
                 restrictions. We analyze the complexity both of finding
                 a minimal plan and of finding any plan. In contrast to
                 other complexity surveys of planning we study not only
                 the complexity of the decision problems but also of the
                 generation problems. We prove that the SAS+-PUS problem
                 is the maximal tractable problem under the restrictions
                 we have considered if we want to generate minimal
                 plans. If we are satisfied with any plan, then we can
                 generalize further to the SAS+-US problem, which we
                 prove to be the maximal tractable problem in this

  author =       "Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m and Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 13th International Joint
                 Conference on Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "Complexity Results for {SAS$^+$} Planning",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "1430--1435",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A long version of this paper has been published in
                 {\em Computational Intelligence}",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 13th International Joint
                 Conference on Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "Plan Modification versus Plan Generation: {A}
                 Complexity-Theoretic Perspective",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "1436--1441",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler",
  title =        "Plan Reuse versus Plan Generation: {A} Theoretical and
                 Empirical Analysis",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-93-33",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A revised and extended version was published in {\em
                 Artificial Intelligence}, Special Issue on Planning and

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert",
  title =        "Reasoning about Temporal Relations: {A} Maximal
                 Tractable Subclass of {Allen}'s Interval Algebra",
  type =         "{DFKI Research Report}",
  number =       "RR-93-11",
  institution =  "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  address =      "Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany",
  month =        Mar,
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A revised version was published in {\em JACM}",

  author =       "Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe and Kai von Luck and Bernhard
  editor =       "G. G{\"o}rz",
  booktitle =    "{Ein\-f{\"u}h\-rung in die {K{\"u}nst\-li\-che}
  title =        "{Wissensrepr{\"a}sentation und {Logik} --- {Eine}
  chapter =      "1.1",
  publisher =    pub-AW,
  address =      pub-AW:adr,
  pages =        "3--54",
  year =         "1993",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Lin Padgham and Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "J. Komorowski and Z. W. Ras",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on
                 Methodologies for Intelligent systems, Trondheim,
  title =        "Combining Classification and Nonmonotonic Inheritance
                 Reasoning: {A} First Step",
  volume =       "689",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "132--141",
  month =        Jun,
  year =         "1993",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B60 03B70)",
  MRnumber =     "1251095 (94j:68278)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Franz Baader and Bernhard Hollunder and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich and Enrico Franconi",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for
                 Terminological Representation Systems or ``Making
                 {KRIS} get a move on''",
  journal =      j-APPL-INTELL,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "109--132",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "APITE4",
  ISSN =         "0924-669X",
  ISSN-L =       "0924-669X",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Sonia Bergamaschi and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Automatic Building and Validation of Complex Object
                 Database Schemata Supporting Multiple Inheritance",
  journal =      j-APPL-INTELL,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "185--204",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "APITE4",
  ISSN =         "0924-669X",
  ISSN-L =       "0924-669X",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Jochen Heinsohn and Daniel Kudenko and Bernhard Nebel
                 and Hans-J{\"u}rgen Profitlich",
  title =        "An Empirical Analysis of Terminological Representation
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "68",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "367--397",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Foundations of Knowledge Representation: {A} Guide to
                 the Volume",
  crossref =     "Lakemeyer:1994:FKRa",
  pages =        "1--12",
  year =         "1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on
                 Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "Base Revision Operations and Schemes: Semantics,
                 Representation, and Complexity",
  publisher =    pub-WILEY,
  address =      pub-WILEY:adr,
  pages =        "341--345",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m",
  title =        "On the Computational Complexity of Temporal
                 Projection, Planning, and Plan Validation",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "66",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "125--160",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T20 (68Q25 68T30)",
  MRnumber =     "1267807 (95b:68081)",
  MRreviewer =   "M. I. Dekhtyar",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert",
  editor =       "K. von Luck and H. Marburger",
  booktitle =    "{Management and Processing of Complex Data
  title =        "Managing Qualitative Temporal Information:
                 Expressiveness vs. Complexity",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "104--117",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 12th National Conference of the
                 American Association for Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "Reasoning about Temporal Relations: {A} Maximal
                 Tractable Subclass of {Allen}'s Interval Algebra",
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "356--361",
  month =        Jul,
  year =         "1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Extended version published in {\em Journal of the

  author =       "Elisabeth Andr{\'e} and Wolfgang Finkler and Winfried
                 Graf and Karin Harbusch and Anne {Heinsohn, Jochen,
                 Kilger} and Bernhard Nebel and Profitlich
                 Hans-J{\"u}rgen and Thomas Rist and Wolfgang Wahlster
                 and Andreas Butz and Anthony Jameson",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 14th International Joint
                 Conference on Artificial Intelligence}",
  title =        "{WIP}: From Multimedia to Intellimedia (Abstract of
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "2053--2054",
  month =        Aug,
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:35 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Complexity results for {SAS$^+$} planning",
  journal =      "Comput. Intelligence",
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "625--655",
  year =         "1995",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0824-7935",
  MRclass =      "68T20 (68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1361943 (97d:68204)",
  MRreviewer =   "Daniel Braha",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computational Intelligence. An International Journal",

  author =       "Christer B{\"a}ckstr{\"o}m and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Complexity Results for {SAS$^+$} Planning",
  journal =      j-COMPUT-INTELL,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "625--655",
  year =         "1995",
  CODEN =        "COMIE6",
  ISSN =         "0824-7935 (print), 1467-8640 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0824-7935",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  fjournal =     "Computational Intelligence",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Borgida and Maurizio Lenzerini and Daniele
                 Nardi and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Proceedings of the International Workshop on
                 Description Logics",
  type =         "Rapporto",
  number =       "07.95",
  institution =  "Universita degli Studi di Roma ``La Sapienza'',
                 Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemica",
  address =      "Rome, Italy",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:07:53 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "G. Brewka",
  booktitle =    "{Essentials in Knowledge Representation}",
  title =        "Artificial Intelligence: {A} Computational
  publisher =    pub-SUCSLI,
  address =      pub-SUCSLI:adr,
  year =         "1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "To appear",
  series =       "Studies in Logic, Language and Information",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "G. della Riccia and R. Kruse and R. Viertl",
  booktitle =    "{Mathematical and statistical methods in artificial
                 intelligence (Udine, 1994)}",
  title =        "Base Revision Operations and Schemes: Semantics,
                 Representation, and Complexity",
  volume =       "363",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "157--170",
  year =         "1995",
  MRclass =      "03B45 (03B70 68T27)",
  MRnumber =     "1403612 (97i:03009)",
  MRreviewer =   "Petr Jirk{\ocirc{u}}",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Revised version of \cite{Nebel:1994:BRO}.",
  series =       "CISM Courses and Lectures",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxtitle =      "Based revision operations and schemes: semantics,
                 representation, and complexity",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  editor =       "I. Wachsmuth and C.-R. Rollinger and W. Brauer",
  booktitle =    "{KI-95: Advances in artificial intelligence
                 (Bielefeld, 1995)}",
  title =        "Computational Properties of Qualitative Spatial
                 Reasoning: {First} Results",
  volume =       "981",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "233--244",
  year =         "1995",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B20 03B60 68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1395379 (97a:68149)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "{Komplexit{\"a}tsanalysen in der K{\"u}nstlichen
  journal =      j-KUNSTLICHE-INTELLIGENZ,
  volume =       "95/2",
  pages =        "6--14",
  year =         "1995",
  ISSN =         "0933-1875",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler",
  title =        "Plan Reuse versus Plan Generation: {A} Theoretical and
                 Empirical Analysis",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "(1-2)",
  pages =        "427--454",
  year =         "1995",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert",
  title =        "Reasoning about Temporal Relations: {A} Maximal
                 Tractable Subclass of {Allen}'s Interval Algebra",
  journal =      j-J-ACM,
  volume =       "42",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "43--66",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1995",
  CODEN =        "JACOAH",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-5411",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (68Q25 68T30)",
  MRnumber =     "1370370 (96k:68180)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  abstract =     "We introduce a new subclass of Allen's interval
                 algebra we call ``ORD-Horn subclass,'' which is a
                 strict superset of the ``pointisable subclass.'' We
                 prove that reasoning in the ORD-Horn subclass is a
                 polynomial-time problem and show that the
                 path-consistency method is sufficient for deciding
                 satisfiability. Further, using an extensive
                 machine-generated case analysis, we show that the
                 ORD-Horn subclass is a maximal tractable subclass of
                 the full algebra (assuming P $\ne$ NP). In fact, it is
                 the unique greatest tractable subclass amongst the
                 subclasses that contain all basic relations.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery",
  keywords =     "algorithms; theory",
  subject =      "{\bf I.2.4}: Computing Methodologies, ARTIFICIAL
                 INTELLIGENCE, Knowledge Representation Formalisms and
                 Methods, Relation systems. {\bf F.2.2}: Theory of
                 Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM
                 COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems,
                 Sequencing and scheduling. {\bf I.2.4}: Computing
                 Methodologies, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Knowledge
                 Representation Formalisms and Methods, Representations
                 (procedural and rule-based). {\bf F.4.1}: Theory of
                 Mathematical Logic.",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Principles of knowledge representation}",
  title =        "Artificial intelligence: a computational perspective",
  publisher =    "CSLI Publ.",
  address =      "Stanford, CA",
  pages =        "237--266",
  year =         "1996",
  MRclass =      "68Q25 (68T01)",
  MRnumber =     "1673027",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Stud. Logic Lang. Inform.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Yannis Dimopoulos and Bernhard Nebel and Jana
  title =        "Encoding planning problems in non-monotonic logic
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1348",
  pages =        "169--181",
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 01 06:17:44 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jana Koehler and Bernhard Nebel and J{\"o}rg Hoffmann
                 and Yannis Dimopoulos",
  title =        "Extending planning graphs to an {ADL} subset",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1348",
  pages =        "273--285",
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 01 06:22:26 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel and Yannis Dimopoulos and Jana
  title =        "Ignoring irrelevant facts and operators in plan
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1348",
  pages =        "338--350",
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 01 06:24:17 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Solving hard qualitative temporal reasoning problems:
                 evaluating the efficiency of using the {ORD--Horn}
  journal =      "Constraints",
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "175--190",
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "CNSTFT",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1383-7133",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B70 68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1605671 (98i:68254)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Constraints. An International Journal",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Belief change}",
  title =        "How hard is it to revise a belief base?",
  volume =       "3",
  publisher =    pub-KLUWER,
  address =      pub-KLUWER:adr,
  pages =        "77--145",
  year =         "1998",
  MRclass =      "03B42 (68T27)",
  MRnumber =     "1743905 (2001h:03030)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Handb. Defeasible Reason. Uncertain. Manag. Syst.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Spatial Reasoning with Topological Information",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1404",
  pages =        "351--??",
  year =         "1998",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 5 11:52:04 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J.-S. Gulmann and W. Hatzack and I. Herrmann and B.
  title =        "The {CS Freiburg} Robotic Soccer Team: Reliable
                 Self-Localization, Multirobot Sensor Integration, and
                 Basic Soccer Skills",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1604",
  pages =        "93--??",
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 13 16:57:02 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Wolfgang Hatzack and Immanuel
                 Herrmann and Bernhard Nebel and Frank Rittinger and
                 Augustinus Topor and Thilo Weigel and Bruno Welsch",
  title =        "The {CS} Freiburg Robotic Soccer Team: Reliable
                 Self-localization, Multirobot Sensor Integration, and
                 Basic Soccer Skills",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "1604",
  pages =        "93--??",
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 5 11:54:05 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: a
                 maximal tractable fragment of the region connection
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "1-2",
  pages =        "69--123",
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1681031 (99m:68188)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "On the compilability and expressive power of
                 propositional planning formalisms",
  journal =      "J. Artificial Intelligence Res.",
  volume =       "12",
  pages =        "271--315",
  year =         "2000",
  ISSN =         "1076-9757",
  MRclass =      "68T20 (68T35)",
  MRnumber =     "1765588 (2001b:68117)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research",

  author =       "Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Cooperating Physical Robots: {A} Lesson in Playing
                 Robotic Soccer",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2086",
  pages =        "404--??",
  year =         "2001",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 2 13:04:45 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Efficient methods for qualitative spatial reasoning",
  journal =      "J. Artificial Intelligence Res.",
  volume =       "15",
  pages =        "289--318",
  year =         "2001",
  ISSN =         "1076-9757",
  MRclass =      "68T27",
  MRnumber =     "1884080",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research",

  author =       "Alexander Scivos and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Double-Crossing: Decidability and Computational
                 Complexity of a Qualitative Calculus for Navigation",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2205",
  pages =        "431--??",
  year =         "2001",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 2 13:06:50 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Thilo Weigel and Willi Auerbach and Markus Dietl and
                 Burkhard D{\"u}mler and Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Kornel
                 Marko and Klaus M{\"u}ller and Bernhard Nebel and Boris
                 Szerbakowski and Maximilian Thiel",
  title =        "{CS} Freiburg: Doing the Right Thing in a Group",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2019",
  pages =        "52--??",
  year =         "2001",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 2 13:03:37 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Markus Dietl and Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Bernhard
  title =        "{CS} Freiburg: Global View by Cooperative Sensing",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2377",
  pages =        "133--??",
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:09:58 MDT 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Yannis Dimopoulos and Bernhard Nebel and Francesca
  title =        "On the computational complexity of assumption-based
                 argumentation for default reasoning",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "141",
  number =       "1-2",
  pages =        "57--78",
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T27 (03B60 68Q25)",
  MRnumber =     "1939094 (2003k:68103)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence",

  author =       "Guido Isekenmeier and Bernhard Nebel and Thilo
  title =        "Evaluation of the Performance of {CS} Freiburg 1999
                 and {CS} Freiburg 2000",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2377",
  pages =        "393--??",
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:09:58 MDT 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Thilo Weigel and Alexander Kleiner and Florian Diesch
                 and Markus Dietl and Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Bernhard
                 Nebel and Patrick Stiegeler and Boris Szerbakowski",
  title =        "{CS} Freiburg 2001",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2377",
  pages =        "26--??",
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:09:58 MDT 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Sylvie Thi{\'e}baux and J{\"o}rg Hoffmann and Bernhard
  title =        "In defense of {PDDL} axioms",
  journal =      j-ART-INTELL,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "1-2",
  pages =        "38--69",
  year =         "2005",
  CODEN =        "AINTBB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-3702 (print), 1872-7921 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-3702",
  MRclass =      "68T20",
  MRnumber =     "2175578",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:25:57 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence",

  author =       "Sanjiang Li and Bernhard Nebel",
  title =        "Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning: {A}
                 Hierarchical Approach",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "50",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "391--402",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2007",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 28 14:33:33 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Handbook of spatial logics}",
  title =        "Qualitative spatial reasoning using constraint
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "161--215",
  year =         "2007",
  DOI =          "",
  MRclass =      "03B60 (68T27)",
  MRnumber =     "2393888",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 17:20:32 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Cross-referenced entries must come last:
  editor =       "B. Nebel and W. Swartout and C. Rich",
  title =        "Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:
                 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference",
  publisher =    pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN,
  address =      pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 791",
  month =        Oct,
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "1-55860-262-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-55860-262-5",
  ISSN =         "1046-9567",
  LCCN =         "Q387 .P76 1992",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "The Morgan Kaufmann series in representation and

  editor =       "Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel",
  booktitle =    "{Foundations of Knowledge Representation}",
  title =        "Foundations of Knowledge Representation",
  volume =       "810",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 355",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "3-540-58107-3 (New York), 0-387-58107-3 (Berlin)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-58107-9 (New York), 978-0-387-58107-1
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "Q387 .F68 1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 12:10:06 MST 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNAI # " and " # ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "artificial intelligence; knowledge representation
                 (information theory); reasoning",

  editor =       "Bernhard Nebel and Leonie Dreschler-Fischer",
  booktitle =    "{KI-94: advances in artificial intelligence: 18th
                 German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
                 Saarbrucken, Germany, September 18--23, 1994:
  title =        "{KI-94: advances in artificial intelligence: 18th
                 German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
                 Saarbrucken, Germany, September 18--23, 1994:
  volume =       "861",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "x + 400",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  DOI =          "????",
  ISBN =         "3-540-58467-6 (Berlin), 0-387-58467-6 (New York)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-58467-4 (Berlin), 978-0-387-58467-6 (New
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "Q334 .G466 1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 12 07:15:02 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNAI # " and " # ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "artificial intelligence --- congresses; artificial
                 intelligence --- industrial applications ---
                 congresses; knowledge representation (information
                 theory) --- congresses; reasoning --- congresses",

  editor =       "Gerhard Brewka and Christopher Habel and Bernhard
  booktitle =    "{KI-97, advances in artificial intelligence: 21st
                 Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
                 Freiburg, Germany, September 9--12, 1997:
  title =        "{KI-97, advances in artificial intelligence: 21st
                 Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
                 Freiburg, Germany, September 9--12, 1997:
  volume =       "1303",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 412",
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  DOI =          "????",
  ISBN =         "3-540-63493-2 (softcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-63493-5 (softcover)",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "Q334 .G466 1997",
  bibdate =      "Mon Nov 24 09:05:12 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNAI # " and " # ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "artificial intelligence --- congresses",

  editor =       "Christian Freksa and Markus Knauff and Bernd
                 Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Bernhard Nebel and Thomas
  booktitle =    "{Spatial cognition IV: reasoning, action, interaction:
                 international conference on spatial cognition 2004,
                 Frauenchiemsee, Germany, October 11--13, 2004. Revised
                 selected papers}",
  title =        "{Spatial cognition IV: reasoning, action, interaction:
                 international conference on spatial cognition 2004,
                 Frauenchiemsee, Germany, October 11--13, 2004. Revised
                 selected papers}",
  volume =       "3343",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xiii + 517",
  year =         "2005",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "3-540-25048-4 (softcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-25048-7 (softcover)",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "Q387 .S74 2004",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 2 09:13:56 MDT 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       ser-LNAI # " and " # ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

%% Last MathSciNet database search: Wed Sep 28 15:25:27 2011 [years 1970--2012]