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%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Ulrich Nitsche",
%%%     version         = "1.06",
%%%     date            = "19 February 2013",
%%%     time            = "16:26:05 MST",
%%%     filename        = "nitsche-ulrich.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Zurich
%%%                        Department of Computer Science
%%%                        Winterthurer Str. 190
%%%                        CH-8057 Zurich
%%%                        Switzerland",
%%%     telephone       = "?n/a?",
%%%     FAX             = "?n/a?",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "65180 838 3160 34070",
%%%     email           = "nitsche at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "Formal Methods, Verification,",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of publications of
%%%                        Ulrich Nitsche.  The companion LaTeX file
%%%                        nitsche-ulrich.ltx can be used to typeset
%%%                        this bibliography.
%%%                        At version 1.06, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1988 (   1)    1995 (   3)    2002 (   1)
%%%                             1989 (   0)    1996 (  11)    2003 (   0)
%%%                             1990 (   0)    1997 (  11)    2004 (   1)
%%%                             1991 (   2)    1998 (   3)    2005 (   0)
%%%                             1993 (   0)    2000 (   0)    2007 (   3)
%%%                             1994 (   6)    2001 (   0)
%%%                             19xx (   1)
%%%                             Article:          9
%%%                             InProceedings:   16
%%%                             Misc:             1
%%%                             PhdThesis:        1
%%%                             Proceedings:      7
%%%                             TechReport:       9
%%%                             Total entries:   43
%%%                        This file is available as part of the BibNet
%%%                        Project.  The master copy is available for
%%%                        public access on in the
%%%                        directory tree /pub/bibnet/authors.  It is
%%%                        mirrored to in the directory
%%%                        tree /netlib/bibnet/authors, from which it is
%%%                        available via anonymous ftp and the Netlib
%%%                        service.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-INFO-PROC-LETT        = "Information Processing Letters"}

@String{j-J-SYST-SOFTW          = "The Journal of Systems and Software"}

@String{j-J-UCS                 = "J.UCS: Journal of Universal Computer

@String{j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

@String{j-SCI-COMPUT-PROGRAM    = "Science of Computer Programming"}

@String{j-THEOR-COMP-SCI        = "Theoretical Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publisher abbreviations:
@String{pub-ACM                 = "ACM Press"}

@String{pub-ACM:adr             = "New York, NY 10036, USA"}

@String{pub-GMD                 = "GMD"}

@String{pub-GMD:adr             = "Bonn, Germany"}

@String{pub-IEEE                = "IEEE"}

@String{pub-IEEE:adr            = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300,
                                  Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"}

@String{pub-SV                  = "Springer-Verlag"}

@String{pub-SV:adr              = "Berlin, Germany~/ Heidelberg,
                                  Germany~/ London, UK~/ etc."}

@String{pub-WORLD-SCI           = "World Scientific Publishing
                                  Co. Pte. Ltd."}

@String{pub-WORLD-SCI:adr       = "P. O. Box 128, Farrer Road,
                                  Singapore 9128"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Series abbreviations:
@String{ser-LNAI                = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}

@String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries:
  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "{Erreichbarkeitsgraphen von Produktnetzen und ihre
                 Auswertung in PROLOG}",
  type =         "Arbeitspapiere der GMD",
  number =       "330",
  institution =  "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung
  address =      "Darmstadt",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1988",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "{Das Erreichbarkeitsproblem f{\"u}r eingeschr{\"a}nkte
  howpublished = "Diploma thesis, University of Frankfurt, Germany",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Presented at the ITHEM-Meeting at the \'Ecole Normale
                 Sup\'erieur, Paris, 1991.",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "{Erreichbarkeitsanalyse von Produktnetzen}",
  type =         "Arbeitspapiere der GMD",
  number =       "521",
  institution =  "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung
  address =      "Darmstadt",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1991",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "U. Nitsche",
  title =        "Propositional Linear Temporal Logic and Language
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "813",
  pages =        "265--277",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 11:52:14 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "Simple Homomorphisms and Linear Temporal Logic",
  type =         "Arbeitspapiere der GMD",
  number =       "889",
  institution =  "GMD --- Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik",
  address =      "Darmstadt",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "A Verification Method Based on Homomorphic Model
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:PTA",
  pages =        "393",
  year =         "1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Los Angeles, CA, USA",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  editor =       "J{\"o}rg Desel and Andreas Oberweis and Wolfgang
  booktitle =    "National Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri
                 Nets (Algorithmen und Werkzeuge f{\"u}r Petrinetze,
  title =        "Verifying Temporal Logic Formulas in Abstractions of
                 Large Reachability Graphs",
  publisher =    "Humboldt Universit{\"a}t Berlin",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  pages =        "42--47",
  year =         "1994",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ralph Demant and Farhad Fatahi-Vanani and Rafael
                 Galvez-Estrada and Ulrich Nitsche and Peter
  title =        "{Abschlu{\ss}bericht des GMD-/Telekom-Projekts Formale
                 Spezifikations- und Verifikationsmethoden zur
                 Behandlung der Service-Interaction-Problematik ---
  type =         "Abschlu{\ss}bericht",
  institution =  pub-GMD,
  address =      pub-GMD:adr,
  month =        "Dezember",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 15 11:58:42 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger",
  title =        "Approximately Satisfied Properties of Systems and
                 Simple Language Homomorphisms",
  type =         "Arbeitspapiere der GMD",
  number =       "965",
  institution =  "GMD --- Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik",
  address =      "Darmstadt",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1995",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger",
  title =        "{Zwischenbericht des GMD-/Telekom-Projekts Formale
                 Spezifikations- und Verifikationsmethoden zur
                 Behandlung der Service-Interaction-Problematik ---
  type =         "Zwischenbericht",
  institution =  pub-GMD,
  address =      pub-GMD:adr,
  month =        "Juli",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 15 11:58:42 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Carla Capellmann and Ralph Demant and Raphael
                 Galvez-Estrada and Ulrich Nitsche and Peter
  editor =       "Tiziana Margaria",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
                 Advanced Intelligent Networks (AIN'96)",
  title =        "Case Study: Service Interaction Detection by Formal
                 Verification under Behaviour Abstraction",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "71--90",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Passau, Germany",

  author =       "Carla Capellmann and Ralph Demant and Farhad
                 Fatahi-Vanani and Raphael Galvez-Estrada and Ulrich
                 Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger",
  title =        "Verification by Behavior Abstraction: {A} Case Study
                 of Service Interaction Detection in Intelligent
                 Telephone Networks",
  crossref =     "Alur:1996:CAV",
  volume =       "1102",
  pages =        "466--469",
  year =         "1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",

  author =       "Ralph Demant and Farhad Fatahi-Vanani and Rafael
                 Galvez-Estrada and Astrid Link and Ulrich Nitsche and
                 Armin Noll and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger and J{\"u}rgen
                 Repp and Roland Rieke",
  title =        "{Abschlu{\ss}bericht des GMD-/Telekom-Projekts Formale
                 Spezifikations- und Verifikationsmethoden zur
                 Behandlung der Service-Interaction-Problematik ---
  type =         "Abschlu{\ss}bericht",
  institution =  pub-GMD,
  address =      pub-GMD:adr,
  month =        "Dezember",
  year =         "1996",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 15 11:58:42 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ralph Demant and Farhad Fatahi-Vanani and Rafael
                 Galvez-Estrada and Ulrich Nitsche and Peter
  title =        "{Zwischenbericht des GMD-/Telekom-Projekts Formale
                 Spezifikations- und Verifikationsmethoden zur
                 Behandlung der Service-Interaction-Problematik ---
  type =         "Zwischenbericht",
  institution =  pub-GMD,
  address =      pub-GMD:adr,
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1996",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 15 11:58:42 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
                 Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
  title =        "Approximately Satisfied Properties of Systems and
                 Simple Language Homomorphisms",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Oxford, U.K.",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger",
  title =        "Approximately satisfied properties of systems and
                 simple language homomorphisms",
  journal =      j-INFO-PROC-LETT,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "201--206",
  day =          "25",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1996",
  CODEN =        "IFPLAT",
  ISSN =         "0020-0190 (print), 1872-6119 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0020-0190",
  MRclass =      "68Q60 (68Q45)",
  MRnumber =     "97i:68135",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 11 12:16:26 MST 1998",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C4210L (Formal languages and computational
                 linguistics); C4240C (Computational complexity)",
  corpsource =   "Inst. TKT, GMD-German Nat. Res Centre for Inf.
                 Technol., Darmstadt, Germany",
  keywords =     "approximate satisfaction; Cantor topology; complexity;
                 computational complexity; formal languages;
                 homomorphism; liveness; omega-languages; safety;
                 satisfied properties; simple language homomorphisms",
  treatment =    "T Theoretical or Mathematical",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "A Finitary Language Semantics for Propositional Linear
                 Temporal Logic",
  crossref =     "Dassow:1996:DLT",
  pages =        "482--489",
  year =         "1996",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger and
                 J{\"u}rgen Repp",
  title =        "The {SH-Verification Tool}",
  type =         "Arbeitspapiere der GMD",
  number =       "1007",
  institution =  "GMD --- Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik",
  address =      "Darmstadt",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1996",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "Verification and Behavior Abstraction Towards a
                 Tractable Verification Technique for Large Distributed
  journal =      j-J-SYST-SOFTW,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "273--285",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1996",
  CODEN =        "JSSODM",
  ISSN =         "0164-1212 (print), 1873-1228 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1212",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 9 05:51:44 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Kurt Bauknecht and Ralph Holbein and Othmar Morger and
                 Ulrich Nitsche and Stephanie Teufel",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Secure
                 Computer Systems (NORDSEC'97)",
  title =        "The MobiMed Approach to Privacy in Medical Systems",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "To be published.",
  confaddress =  "Helsinki, Finland",

  author =       "Othmar Morger and Ulrich Nitsche and Stephanie
  booktitle =    "42.\ Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
                 Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemologie
                 (GMDS) '97",
  title =        "{Datenschutz als Qualit{\"a}tskriterium f{\"u}r
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Ulm, Germany",

  author =       "Othmar Morger and Ulrich Nitsche and Stephanie
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on
                 Computing in Clinical Laboratories (CCL'97)",
  title =        "MobiMed---Privacy and Efficiency in Mobile Medical
                 Systems (Abstract to the Poster Session)",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Lugano, Switzerland",

  author =       "Othmar Morger and Ulrich Nitsche and Stephanie
  title =        "Security Concerns for Mobile Information Systems in
                 Health Care",
  crossref =     "Wagner:1997:PEI",
  pages =        "312--317",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Toulouse, France",

  author =       "Frank Nie{\ss}ner and Ulrich Nitsche and Peter
  booktitle =    "Preproceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
                 Developments in Language Theory (DLT'97)",
  title =        "Deterministic $\omega$-Regular Liveness Properties",
  organization = "Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "Interpretation of the Full Computation Tree Logic
                 {CTL}$^*$ on Sets of Infinite Sequences",
  crossref =     "Adian:1997:LFC",
  volume =       "1234",
  pages =        "276--282",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Pierre Wolper",
  title =        "Relative Liveness and Behavior Abstraction (Extended
  crossref =     "ACM:1997:PSA",
  pages =        "45--52",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Santa Barbara, CA",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche and Peter Ochsenschl{\"a}ger and
                 J{\"u}rgen Repp and Roland Rieke",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
                 Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
  title =        "The {SH}-Verification Tool",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Cesena, Italy",

  author =       "Othmar Morger and Ulrich Nitsche and Stephanie
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Medical
                 Informatics (MedInfo'98)",
  title =        "Privacy and Efficiency in Patient Focused Health Care
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  confaddress =  "Seoul, Korea",

  author =       "Frank Nie{\ss}ner and Ulrich Nitsche and Peter
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
                 Developments in Language Theory (DLT'97)",
  title =        "Deterministic $\omega$-Regular Liveness Properties",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "To be published.",
  confaddress =  "Thessaloniki, Greece",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "Application of Formal Verification and Behaviour
                 Abstraction to the Service Interaction Problem in
                 Intelligent Networks",
  journal =      j-J-SYST-SOFTW,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "227--248",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1998",
  CODEN =        "JSSODM",
  ISSN =         "0164-1212 (print), 1873-1228 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1212",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 9 07:30:16 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Tentatively accepted for the special issue on Formal
                 Methods Technology Transfer.",

  author =       "Ulrich Nitsche",
  title =        "Verification of Co-Operating Systems and Behaviour
  school =       "University of Frankfurt, Germany",
  year =         "19xx",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Handed in in 1996.",

  author =       "Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche",
  title =        "Do We Need Liveness? --- Approximation of Liveness
                 Properties by Safety Properties",
  journal =      j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "2540",
  pages =        "279--??",
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0302-9743",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 30 20:58:12 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. C. Augusto and U. Ultes-Nitsche",
  title =        "Second International Workshop on Verification and
                 Validation of Enterprise Information Systems",
  journal =      j-J-UCS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1495--1497",
  day =          "28",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2004",
  CODEN =        "????",
  ISSN =         "0948-6968",
  ISSN-L =       "0948-6968",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jul 6 08:14:44 MDT 2005",
  bibsource =    ";",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Joseph Barjis and Juan Carlos Augusto and Ulrich
  title =        "Towards more adequate {EIS}",
  journal =      j-SCI-COMPUT-PROGRAM,
  volume =       "65",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--3",
  day =          "1",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2007",
  CODEN =        "SCPGD4",
  ISSN =         "0167-6423 (print), 1872-7964 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-6423",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 18:39:07 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Science of Computer Programming",

  author =       "Frank Nie{\ss}ner and Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche",
  title =        "A complete characterization of deterministic regular
                 liveness properties",
  journal =      j-THEOR-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "387",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "187--195",
  day =          "12",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2007",
  CODEN =        "TCSCDI",
  ISSN =         "0304-3975 (print), 1879-2294 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0304-3975",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 28 22:11:58 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Theoretical Computer Science",

  author =       "Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche",
  title =        "A power-set construction for reducing {B{\"u}chi}
                 automata to non-determinism degree two",
  journal =      j-INFO-PROC-LETT,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "107--111",
  day =          "14",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2007",
  CODEN =        "IFPLAT",
  ISSN =         "0020-0190 (print), 1872-6119 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0020-0190",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 31 15:52:34 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Information Processing Letters",

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Cross-referenced entries must come last:
  editor =       "{ACM}",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on
                 Principles of Distributed Computing: Los Angeles,
                 California, USA, August 14--17, 1994",
  title =        "Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual {ACM} Symposium
                 on Principles of Distributed Computing: Los Angeles,
                 California, {USA}, August 14--17, 1994",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 406",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-654-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-654-7",
  LCCN =         "QA76.9.D5 A33 1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:19 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Anil Nerode and Iu. V. Matiiasevich",
  booktitle =    "Logical foundations of computer science: third
                 international symposium, {LFCS} '94, St. Petersburg,
                 Russia, July 11--14, 1994: proceedings",
  title =        "Logical foundations of computer science: third
                 international symposium, {LFCS} '94, St. Petersburg,
                 Russia, July 11--14, 1994: proceedings",
  volume =       "813",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 392",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISBN =         "3-540-58140-5 (Berlin), 0-387-58140-5 (New York)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-58140-6 (Berlin), 978-0-387-58140-8 (New
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "QA75.5 .L64 1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:36 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNCS,
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "computer science --- congresses; logic, symbolic and
                 mathematical --- congresses",
  xxvolume =     "4004711419",

  editor =       "Rajeev Alur and T. A. (Thomas A.) Henzinger",
  booktitle =    "Computer aided verification: 8th international
                 conference, {CAV} '96, New Brunswick, {NJ}, {USA}, July
                 {31-August} 3, 1996: proceedings",
  title =        "Computer aided verification: 8th international
                 conference, {CAV} '96, New Brunswick, {NJ}, {USA}, July
                 {31-August} 3, 1996: proceedings",
  volume =       "1102",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xii + 472",
  year =         "1996",
  ISBN =         "3-540-61474-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-61474-6",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "QA76.76.V47 C38 1996",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:39 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNCS,
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  alttitle =     "CAV '96",
  keywords =     "Computer software --- Verification --- Congresses.;
                 Electronic digital computers --- Evaluation ---

  editor =       "Jurgen Dassow and Grzegorz Rozenberg and Arto
  booktitle =    "Developments in language theory {II}: at the
                 crossroads of mathematics, computer science, and
                 biology : Magdeburg, Germany, 17--21 July 1995",
  title =        "Developments in language theory {II}: at the
                 crossroads of mathematics, computer science, and
                 biology : Magdeburg, Germany, 17--21 July 1995",
  publisher =    pub-WORLD-SCI,
  address =      pub-WORLD-SCI:adr,
  pages =        "x + 491",
  year =         "1996",
  ISBN =         "981-02-2682-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-981-02-2682-4",
  LCCN =         "QA267.3 .D483 1996",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:40 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "{ACM}",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Symposium on
                 Principles of Distributed Computing: Santa Barbara,
                 California, August 21--24, 1997",
  title =        "Proceedings of the Sixteenth {ACM} Symposium on
                 Principles of Distributed Computing: Santa Barbara,
                 California, August 21--24, 1997",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 297",
  year =         "1997",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-952-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-952-4",
  LCCN =         "",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:41 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "ACM order number 536970.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Sergei Adian and Anil Nerode",
  booktitle =    "Logical foundations of computer science: 4th
                 international symposium, LFCS '97, Yaroslavl, Russia,
                 July 6--12, 1997",
  title =        "Logical foundations of computer science: 4th
                 international symposium, {LFCS} '97, Yaroslavl, Russia,
                 July 6--12, 1997",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 492",
  year =         "1997",
  ISBN =         "",
  ISBN-13 =      "",
  LCCN =         "QA75.5 .L43 1997",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:42 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Roland R. Wagner",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings: Eighth International Workshop on Database
                 and Expert Systems Applications, September 1--2, 1997,
                 Toulouse, France",
  title =        "Proceedings: Eighth International Workshop on Database
                 and Expert Systems Applications, September 1--2, 1997,
                 Toulouse, France",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "xvii + 770",
  year =         "1997",
  ISBN =         "0-8186-8147-0, 0-8186-8148-9 (case), 0-8186-8149-7
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8186-8147-9, 978-0-8186-8148-6 (case),
                 978-0-8186-8149-3 (microfiche)",
  LCCN =         "QA76.9.D3 D15592 1997b",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 28 18:04:42 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

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